All times are in 24 hour format
The script for the video is now done, all i need is to edit it all together and i can finally end this project just before it hits the 5 months mark, the ammount of space this video has taken up on my pc is insane and i cannot wait to get rid of it, also i had chicken dippers today, they were good
Wasn't able to update yesterday however I've been spending most of the past day and a bit getting the script for the Silent Hill 4 section of the big Silent Hill video done, should be able to finish it when i wake up later!
I'm now on the last stretch of the Silent Hill video, only the segments of SH4 need to be finished. Everyone needs to play horse plinko also, horse plinko is a very good, totally useful section of your time.
More people need to eat soreen bread, idgaf if you think raisins are nasty soreen bread with butter is the shit. Also I've finally begun to enproach upon the end of the Silent Hill video and ive never been happier to know i don't have to play another silent hill game for a while (atleast until the remake comes out in a few weeks but thats besides the point)
This page is more of a test than anything atm, gonna try and update this page whenever I need to write something down or if any major happens, it might also become a bit of a changelog/archive for the site or any current projects im working on. No promises though, I'm not the best at remembering to update things often, but my goal rn is to try and post somewhat daily here as long as theres anything interesting enough to put in here. We'll see how it goes!!
You hit the bottom! Now you know all my life secrets :D